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Stress Management


Stress is a part of everyday life. Good stress can help motivate us but too much stress can affect our physical and mental health.

1. Develop Healthy Habits

Maintain a healthy diet, physical activity, and sleep habits. Good health can help us deal with stress by keeping us feeling fit and thinking clearly. Poor health habits can leave us tired, physically at risk and less able to solve problems. Stay connected with loving friends and family. Loved ones can be a support in times of stress.

2. Practice Coping Skills

Practice coping skills like deep breathing. Slowly breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Put your hand on your stomach and feel it rise and fall as you do so. Focus and notice your breathing. Do three or more slow breaths. Deep breathing can be done almost anywhere and anytime.

3. Make Time for You

It is often little things that provide great joy and relaxation. Practice soothing rituals: a cup of tea after work, a walk after dinner, a warm bath or a chat with a friend. Find hobbies or activities that provide tension release and enjoyment. Would word puzzles, gardening, hiking, running, or volunteering work for you?

4. Say No to Negative Thinking!

Avoid letting intrusive negative thoughts overwhelm you. Redirect yourself, just as you would a child. Talk it out with someone you trust who can help you think things through. Look for positives in the situation. If negativity strongly impacts your life, seek the help of a health or mental health professional.

5. Practice Visualizing a Peaceful Scene

Create your own special place in your mind’s eye. Taking a trip to the beach or spending an evening star gazing can be inspiring. Picture what you see, imagine what you hear, sense what your skin feels and what your hands touch. Keep it peaceful and relaxing. Visit your special place when you need a break.