Logo for: Early Childhood Consultation Partnership Logo for: Early Childhood Consultation Partnership


The ECCP® program is proprietary and has begun to expand outside of Connecticut through licensing agreements.

The ECCP® program model and license includes:

  • Workforce development and continuing education training related to the field of Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation and the ECCP® program model
  • Ongoing group and individual supervision – including clinical, reflective and administrative supervision
  • Quality assurance through program model fidelity monitoring and quality of service/care monitoring
  • Data collection, analysis and reporting at individual and statewide levels
  • A centralized data system and customized software

The ECCP® program model has demonstrated success in collaboration and coordination across state and local agencies and service providers, to ensure a seamless delivery system and shared quality outcomes that improve the quality of life for the children, families, and caregivers served.

If you are interested in more information about the ECCP® model and licensing, please contact us.