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The ECCP Bookshelf

The ECCP® bookshelf contains reviews of books that help support the social and emotional development of young children.

Reading to young children can help build many important skills. In addition to early literacy skills, books with a social/emotional focus can help children learn to manage emotions and behavior, problem solve and to socialize with others. Books can help children build empathy by helping them to understand feelings of their own and of others.

In addition, reading to young children can provide a very important emotional connection between an adult and a child or group of children. Children learn best through a relationship with an adult and reading is a wonderful pathway to helping them learn. There are opportunities for physical closeness, building a child’s focus and attention and complex thinking skills. Adults can engage children by having them turn the page, identifying objects and events and guessing what will happen next.

Books to grow by: Promoting social & emotional competence in young children