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Little Blue Truck

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Author: Alice Schertle

Illustrator:  Jill McElmurry

Recommended for Ages: Infant -Preschool

 About: Kindness, Friendliness, Helping.  Reviewed as a board book.

Little Blue Truck is a role model of friendliness and courtesy. The animals all receive greetings from the truck as he travels by. [“Beep!” said Blue to a big green toad. Toad said, “Croak!” and winked an eye when Little Blue Truck went rolling by.] Big Dump Truck comes by and snubs the animals and Little Blue Truck.

When Big Dump Truck gets stuck in the mud, Blue comes to push him out. Oh my!  Little Blue Truck also gets stuck.  It takes all of Blue’s animal friends to push him and Dump Truck out of the muck and mire. [“Thanks, little brother,” said Dump to Blue. “You helped me and they helped you. Now I see a lot depends on a helping hand from a few good friends!”]

This is a wonderful book about being kind and being a helper. Small children will be drawn into the rhymes and rhythm of the words. The smooth flow of the sounds, make it a fun read for the adult as well.  Animal sounds and truck sounds can increase the interest and learning opportunities. Vocabulary can be built by using the pictures as a discussion focus. There’s plenty to see in the countryside as Blue travels along. For preschoolers and older toddlers you can help enhance emotional understanding by discussing how the characters are feeling.

The illustrations are appealing, colorful and amusing.  (Notice the Toad in the driver’s seat.)


Linda Flach Ms Ed.

Early Childhood Consultant

Early Childhood Consultation Partnership