Logo for: Early Childhood Consultation Partnership Logo for: Early Childhood Consultation Partnership



Striving for a higher level of quality in every aspect of your work will enhance the relationships, quality of teaching and level of care in your center.

1. Focus on Relationships

Greet families by name and take time to share the successes and discoveries their children have made in the classroom. Get to know families by asking about their pastimes, traditions, and what they have done outside of preschool. Establishing a positive relationship early on will help to create a strong partnership later if problems should arise.

2. Reflect on Your Work as Caregiver

Take time regularly to gather your thoughts, feeling, and ideas. Jot down a few notes on your lesson plans or keep a journal. Writing and thinking about our work with children and families helps us to better problem solve by clarifying challenges and by identifying barriers and resources.

3. Adapt and Embrace Change

Push yourself to try new things regularly. Learn a language, take dance lessons, or travel to new places. By continually testing out new experiences, you become more open to new ideas and knowledge. This can help you become a more effective professional who can take in new ideas and add them to your skill set.

4. Explore Your Field

Seek accreditation, participate in an early childhood education network, read books on child development, attend local trainings or classes. Share what you have learned with parents and other caregivers. Caregivers who are knowledgeable in a wide variety of areas of child development and early education are better equipped to promote and guide children’s healthy growth and development.

5. Adopt a Code of Conduct/Behavior

Write this out for both caregivers and families and post it on the parent board. Include values such as keeping information confidential, being honest, communicating respectfully and clearly with others. Dress comfortably and appropriately for work and be ready to receive children and their families.